Create a responsive(mobile friendly) or fullwidth slider with must-see-effects and meanwhile keep or build your SEO optimization (all content always readable for search engines). See the heaps of custom transitions/animations for each object on the page! Customize this slider with our convenient drag&drop backend to your very needs. This plugin features tons of unique transition effects, an image preloader, video embedding, autoplay that stops on user interaction and lots of easy to set options to create your own effects.
The Technology behind Slider Revolution
- CSS Transitions with jQuery FallBack
- Fully Responsive (Optional) & Mobile Specific Features
- jQuery 1.7 – jQuery 2.x Supported
- Lightning Fast Greensock Animation Engine NEW
- Powerful API to Stop, Play, Swap Slides, etc.
General Slider & Editor Capabilities
- All Sizes Possible: Custom, Auto-Responsive, Full-Screen
- Variable or Fixed Image Height
- Image BG Cover, Contain, Tiling, Alignment, etc. NEW
- Custom Image Alt Tag for SEO NEW
- WYSIWYG Drag & Drop Editor with “Lock” Feature
- Easy Caption Alignment
- Published / Unpublished Slides NEW
- Lazy Loading for Quicker Slider Start
- Set Per Slide Link and Target
- Fullscreen YouTube , Vimeo and
- Self-Hosted HTML5 Videos
- Auto-Start for Videos On / Off
- Optional Shadow GFX below Slider
Slide Navigation
- Bullet, Button, Thumbnail Navigation
- Mobile Touch Enabled (Optional)
- “Stop Slide Timer on Hover” Function
- Video Playback stops Timer
- Auto-Hiding of Navigation with Delay Option
- Optional Countdown Timer Line
- Set the Position of Time Line
- Set Size and Number of Visible Thumbs
- Hide / Enable Navigation on Mobile Devices
- Keyboard Navigation NEW
Sell&Sell Goodies
- Import / Export Sliders
- Post Based Sliders
- Multi Language Support (Sell&SellML, .po, .mo)
- Multi Site (Sell&SellMU) Supported
- User Role Management
- Embed Plugin Library only when needed NEW
- Transition Builder: Huge Number of Possible Transitions
- Set Start / End Time and Speed of Captions
- Separate In / Out Transitions with Rotation, Scale, Skew, Opacity, Perspective, etc. NEW
- Add Unlimited Number of Captions
- Youtube, Vimeo, Self-Hosted HTML5 Videos as Caption
- Set link per Captions
- Option to Link to a Specific Slide via Caption
- Variable Caption Image Size
- Option to Hide Captions on Mobile Devices
Slide Transitions
- WYSIWYG Drag & Drop Editor
- Easy Caption Alignment
- Huge Variety of Basic, Flat, 3D Transitions
- Customizable Transition Speed (Individual / Global)